East China University of Science and Technology-
Technische Universität Berlin
Double Degree Program of Master of Engineering Management
中德双学位工程管理硕士(MEM)是华东理工大学与德国柏林工业大学联合创办。基于德国柏林工业大学最 早且国际化程度最 高的全球生产工程硕士项目(MSc in Global Production Engineering)和华东理工大学MEM设立而成的非全日制双学位硕士项目。该模块依托五大课程模块,让学生系统掌握生产和管理的基础理论和专业知识,培养全面的技术创新能力和先进制造型企业管理能力。
Jointly held by East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST) and Technische Universität Berlin (TUB), Sino-German Double Degree Program of Master of Engineering Management (MEM) is a part-time double degree postgraduate program. It is based on the first and most internationalized Global Production Engineering Master program of TUB and MEM of ECUST. The program boasts five major modules which are designed to facilitate students to master basic theories and expertise of production and management, and to develop comprehensive technological innovation capabilities and advanced management capabilities for manufacturing enterprises.
Introduction to universities
教育部直属全国重点大学,“211工程”建设高校,“985创新平台”,“卓越工程师培养计划”、“111计划”入选高校之一和国家“双一流”学科建设高校。学校坚持工程与管理相结合的特色,发挥多学科交叉优势,在能源化工、新材料、环境保护等学科拥有全国领 先的科学研究、技术开发和工程咨询能力。
East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST)
East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST), is a national key research university under the Ministry of Education and one of the National 211 Project universities. It was selected into the 985 Innovative Platforms, Excellent Engineer Training Program, 111 Plan, and the Double First Class University Plan. ECUST adheres to the combination of engineering and management, and boasts advantages of cross-disciplinary. It has national leading scientific research, technology development and engineering consulting capabilities in energy, chemical, new materials, environmental protection and other fields.
世界上著名理工院校,德国九所卓越理工大学联盟TU9成员之一,欧洲顶 尖工业管理者高校联盟德国七所高校之一。柏林工业大学在机械、自动化及工程管理方面具有国际领 先水平,该校的全球生产工程硕士项目每年有来自全球七十多国家和地区的学生加入,该项目2007年获得德国权威自然工程学科领域高等教育学位认证机构ASIIN认证。
• 德国第 一所工业大学(250 年历史)
• 德国九所卓越理工大学联盟(TU9) 成员
• 欧洲顶 尖工业管理者高校联盟德国七所之一
• 德国工科权威认证机构 ASIIN 认证
Technische Universität Berlin (TUB)
Technische Universität Berlin (TUB), the global leading polytechnic, is a member of TU9, and one of the seven German universities of the Top Industrial Managers for Europe (T.I.M.E.). TUB is internationally renowned for its mechanical, automation and engineering management. TUB’s Global Production Engineering Master program attracts students from more than 70 countries and regions around the world. In 2007, the program was recognized by ASIIN, the German degree certification authority in higher education in the field of natural engineering.
• The first industrial university in German (with the honored history of 250 years)
• Member of German Institutes of Technology e. V. (TU9)
• One of the seven German universities of the Top Industrial Managers for Europe (T.I.M.E.)
• Recognized by ASIIN, German engineering authority
Program advantages
Curriculum Structure
The program adopts the cross-disciplinary training mode of “commercial+ technology”, giving full play to resource advantages of TUB in advanced manufacturing as well as the profound experience in management teaching of the Business School, ECUST. Five major modules are designed to cultivate comprehensive technological innovation ability and practical management capabilities for manufacturing enterprises.
• 华东理工大学颁发的研究生学历证书和工程管理硕士学位证书
• 柏林工业大学颁发的全球生产工程硕士学位证书
• 欧洲学分转换系统(European Credit Transfer System) 符合证书
• Postgraduate Diploma and Certificate for Master Degree in Engineering Management issued by East China University of Science and Technology
• Certificate for Master Degree in Global Production Engineering issued by Technische Universität Berlin
• Certificate for Compliance with European Credit Transfer System
• 大学本科毕业后有3年或3年以上工作经验的人员;
• 已获硕士学位或博士学位并有2年或2年以上工作经验的人员。
• 符合华东理工大学MEM当年入学资格,达到当年华理MEM录取条件
• 托福70分及以上(拥有英语语言国家的大学理学学士或者理学硕士学位证书的申请者可以免托福成绩入学)
• 拥有工学领域、工商管理或经济学学士学位及以上
Qualification for Application
• Bachelor degree holder with 3 or more than 3 years of work experience;
• Master or doctoral degree holder with 2 or more than 2 years of work experience;
• Meet requirements of ECUST MEM of the same year;
• TOEFL score of 70 or above (or with a Bachelor of Science or a Master of Science degree in English-speaking countries)
• Applicants with bachelor degree or above in engineering, business administration or economics;
招生人数:20-40 人
Enrollment size: 20-40
Note: Applicants who are over 40 years old will be admitted according to the rank of TOEFL score. Applicants with the same TOEFL scores will be admitted according to the rank of scores of the unified management examination.
Application Procedures
Note: The content and time of the re-testing are subject to the official announcement of the Graduate School of East China University of Science and Technology.
• 培养费用: 25.8万(2019年)(含2次德国游学机票、住宿费、学费)
• 奖学金:奖学金计划请咨询项目部
Training Fees and Freshman Scholarships
• Training fees: RMB 258,000 (2019) (including twice German study flight tickets, accommodation fee, tuition fee)
• Scholarships: Please consult the Project Department for scholarships
Training Method
Chinese course: weekend lectures
German course: Chinese part (evening lectures on weekend and some working days)
German part (two sessions in Germany during the program, and 2 weeks each session)
Location: East China University of Science and Technology, Technische Universität Berlin (Germany)